Marker Details

St. Thomas High School

4508 Memorial Drive

Houston , 77007

Marker is inside fenced parking area which is locked during non-class hours; lot on SE corner of the property, south of the athletic field; Per JF conversation with Allen Frazier, administration at the H.S., on June 18, 2010 - marker is in storage and will be re-installed at a new location on the property. January, 2011: A new parking garage is being erected at the old site. Contact phone 281-468-7114 at St. Thomas H.S.
Directions: Marker is in aligned with the main entrance to the school, near sidewalk facing the Memorial westbound feeder approximately 50 yards east of Shepherd; school is on northeast corner of Memorial & Shepherd Drive

Key Time Period: 1893 - 1919 City Beautiful - WW I

Corretions/New Research:

Marker Text: Established 1900 as St. Thomas College, and housed that year in a former Franciscan monastery built in 1861 at Franklin Avenue and Caroline Street. The founders were the Rev. Nicholas Roche, C. S. B., and two other Basilian fathers. (Their order originated in France in 1822 and expanded into Canada in 1850; the Basilians in Houston were the first in Texas.)

When original school suffered hurricane damage, the fathers relocated at Capitol and Main. In 1903 permanency was assured when Father Roche bought a block of land at Austin and Hadley and constructed Houston's first college preparatory school for boys.

Thanks to the foresight of a native Texan, the Rev. T. P. O'Rourke, C. S. B., educator and author, St. Thomas High School in 1940 moved to this site on the bank of Buffalo Bayou. Father A. L. Higgins directed the building of the new plant, which has expanded in later years.

During Houston's 20th century growth into a focus of world culture, St. Thomas High School has trained men of vision and responsibility, winners of national and international fame: statesmen, churchmen, artists, historians, athletes, civic and business leaders, industrial pioneers, and citizens of many talents. (1970)
Marker Type: Marker with Post
Historical Org: Texas Historical Commission (THC)

Key Map Information: 492 M

GPS Coordinates: 29 45.710, 95 24.481

Precinct No: 1

Marker No: 10764