Marker Details

Heiner, Eugene Thomas

2525 Washington Avenue

Houston , 77007

Directions: Glenwood Cemetery, turn right at first "Y" on entrance road, stay to the right, marker on right; across (west) from Section C-4 on West Avenue

Key Time Period: 1877 - 1892 Post-Reconstruction

Corretions/New Research:

Marker Text: (August 20, 1852 - April 26, 1901)

Born in New York City to German immigrants Nicholas and Margaretta Heiner, Eugene Thomas Heiner apprenticed himself to a Chicago architect when he was thirteen years old and later completed his training in Berlin, Germany. Heiner became a draftsman for architect J. A. Vrydaugh in Terre Haute, Indiana, in 1873. Three years later, with the prize money he won in a design competition at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, Eugene T. Heiner moved to Dallas. There he met and married Viola Isenhour. They settled in Houston and were the parents of four daughters. His first major design was rendered for the Galveston County Jail in 1878. Heiner became known for his work on Texas county courthouses and jails, though his work also included many commercial buildings and private homes.

Heiner's designs of the 1870s and 1880s often employed variations of Classical detail typical of American High Victorian architecture. The two-story Italianate and Second Empire style Smith County Jail in Tyler (1880-1881) was designed during the prosperous days after Reconstruction. His style then shifted toward the increasingly popular Richardsonian Romanesque, but retained his strong High Victorian tendency toward vertical lines and structural ornamentation. Heiner designed more than twenty courthouses and jails in as many years. He also was responsible for the design of such unusual buildings as the Houston Cotton Exchange and Board Of Trade Building (1884). A founding member of the Texas Association Of Architects in 1886, he left a remarkable legacy of public buildings in Texas. (2000)
Marker Type: Marker with Post
Historical Org: Texas Historical Commission (THC)

Key Map Information: 493 J

GPS Coordinates: 29 45.987, 95 23.234

Precinct No: 2

Marker No: 11965