Marker Details

Morse-Bragg Cemetery

57 South Wynden Road

Houston , 77056

Historic Texas Cemetery designation only 2010, no marker; HTC designation removed September 10, 2014; a white 4" x 4" post with "Cemetery 1874" written on it is displaced and on the ground in the trees near the left front (facing) of the lot, a concrete base for the post is present near the front/left center of the lot
Directions: From 610 West, west on San Felipe St., past Post Oak Boulevard one block, right/north on S. Post Oak Lane, four tenths mile to South Synden Drive; right/east on S. Synden, one tenth mile to cemetery lot on right, approx. 75 feet east of Rue de la Paix Way

Key Time Period: 1846 - 1865 Statehood - Civil War

Corretions/New Research:

Marker Text:
Marker Type:
Historical Org: Texas Historical Commission (Rescinded)

Key Map Information: 491 R

GPS Coordinates: 29 45.292, 95 27.626

Precinct No: 3

Marker No: HR-C017