Marker Details

Thornton House, Dr. Penn B. and Annie A.

327 W. 16th St.

Houston , 77008

No data available
Directions: Marker in front of home to the left (facing) of front entrance; at intersection of 16th and Tulane

Key Time Period: 1893 - 1919 City Beautiful - WW I

Corretions/New Research:

No data available

Marker Text: Erected in 1905 for Houston Heights doctor and businessman Penn Thornton (1866-1927) and his wife Annie (Amsler) (1872-1947), who was active in Heights social and civic organizations, this house is representative of the housing stock in Houston Heights during the early 20th century. Simple form and fine detailing such as the asymmetrical front porch and classical columns make the house a good example of the colonial revival style. Penn B. Thornton, Jr. and other family members occupied the house until his death in 1978.

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1998
Marker Type: RTHL Marker
Historical Org: Texas Historical Commission (THC)

Key Map Information: 452 Z

GPS Coordinates: 29 47.991, 95 24.149

Precinct No: 1

Marker No: 11972